Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Feature: Black and White synchronise parity

You can play a tune of sorts on the white keys, and you can play a tune of sorts on the black keys, but for harmony you must use both the black and the white - Kwegyir Aggrey
The world we are born into is indeed a strange cosmic entity. A lot of events do occur to our astonishment and as curios human beings we try helplessly to dig into the root of such occurrences. Of a truth we are yet to partially if not fully comprehend the unfathomable construction of our very milieu and the human being who is a breathing dust.

Astronauts in their quest to better relate our world with that of the world yonder do shuttle between the earth and space stations; psychologists permeate the human mind to justify the rationale behind mental machinations; the ever flourishing literary doyen would want to use language which is the garment of thought and the cloak of words to carve a perfect portrait of living beings and their immediate surroundings. All these efforts among others as a whole are marshalled at demystifying the mysteries that shroud our world.

Whenever evil befalls someone we mourn and console such an individual; in a similar fashion we burst into torrents of hilarity when good fortune kisses the fate of an individual. Sometimes we seem not to understand and pose several questions when there is harvest of sorrow. In fact, we would have been comfy with something positive. The death of Princess Diana of Wales plunged the world into brief moment of bewilderment and paralysis. Her benignity could not surmount the onward incursion of the leveller of all men- death.

Now the death of Osama Bin Laden has received a lot of reactions from several quarters. Anti terrorist campaigners may proclaim his death as a welcome relief. Those of his camp may as well project him as a true martyr from the womb of divinity. That is the paradox of life we are offered to demonstrate the stark shades of inclinations which keep the world in motion.

For the purpose of this piece, the word black connotes something negative, bad and which has the capability to cause grief and sorrow whereas white connotes good, positivity, and happiness. It must be stated categorically that these characteristics have absolutely nothing to do with the complexion of any race as in the black or white race. Let us leave that to uninformed, infantile minds and mischief mongers.

Whenever anything negative or bad threatens the very foundation of our being; whenever it seems all hope is dissipating and the world appears not to have enough room to accommodate us, we need not let despair and hopelessness take the better part of us. The best action is not to act on impulse but to critically assume the stance of an archaeologist who carefully parts the earth surface to unearth the past. One’s difficult moments are the crucible stages of his life; the saccharine part is yet to surface so far as there is a strong, unyielding and tenacious spirit.

The thrust of this essay as you might have cleverly deduced simply hinges on this token: for there to be parity (balance) in whatever sphere of life, there must be the blend of the negative and the positive. For example, the taste of defeat stirs within us the passion for excellence. At such gloomy stage of life, we are afforded the glorious opportunity to retreat and reorganise our arsenals for a renewed charge. That is why it is important not to fume with rage when you can identify a gem out of a hopeless situation.

There is no smooth path or walk to the desired. If that would not suffice your Thomas mentality, then, ask Mandela or Gandhi to serve as arbiter. Once again, if this example is too elementary for your taste, then, demand from Jesus whether the cross He shouldered unashamedly before the crown meant what? Do you remember the popular maxim, “No cross, No crown”?

I can therefore comfortably render that our times of difficulties are propelling grounds for a smooth take off into an eventful future so far as there is a resolve to turn them to our advantage. A good General always has a point of reference and that is his wound(s). Such sweet-sour and bitter-sweet affairs in life offer a better and deeper understanding of our evasive world. The high rate of graduate unemployment in the country should not be the opium for the youth to indulge in nefarious ventures. Rather, it should serve as a launch pad for budding entrepreneurial initiatives.

At this juncture, I am not rolling out the idea that one must always and definitely encounter challenges in order to see the brighter side of life. Neither do I place my trust in the possession of those who rally around chanting the belief that one’s life should always be characterised by milk and honey. The danger of this philosophy or religious persuasion is, one is somewhat oblivious of the pitfalls in life.

I am not a pessimist neither is my heart full of fear and my mind soaked in negativity to the extent that I daily think of evil to clothe me so that I can rise to the occasion. No! I will be the last to swallow this deadly bait. For I believe in this biblical clause which suggests: as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. I am only saying supposing the journey of life appears tortuous which is somewhat inevitable, hold your head up, do not appear crestfallen and cry yourself to sleep and gloom. Only reposition your sail and expect the wind to ferry you to your destination; for such is the vicissitude of life.

It will be a disservice to my conscience and a dishonour to my generation if I do not comment on this observation. I have come across a cross section Christians and non Christians alike who harbour the belief that so far us their present status qualifies them they are exempts from certain events of life. I am being economical in stating this belief for I know I am bruising the ego and stepping on the toes of certain individuals. I do not begrudge them for it is within their remit to drink from this cup of deception.

The adherents of this idea hide under this heavy yoke and do little to ameliorate their living standard. Experience has proven beyond every practical doubt that worthwhile hard work pays and as one strives to move on in life, there will be challenges. But challenges are only stepping stones to greater things. The Bible emphatically admonishes believers to know that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. The experience of Job in the Bible passes as a classical proof.

The world has drastically evolved into a stage where thanks to technological upsurge things are done with ease. Hence, some people have transferred this fast track mentality into success. So whenever they experience unintended hiccups in life they wrap themselves in misery to the point of their demise. Supposing these groups of people had taken their time, worked diligently and jumped over the hurdles of life with cautious optimism, I am pretty sure they would have been beaming with smiles. We should know there are false prophets, unlettered teachers and con men who would tell people what they would love to hear in order subtly annex unto themselves financial rewards.

No wonder we have self styled saviours and self-imposed martyrs who parade the length and breadth of the country proclaiming financial liberty, problem free life and heaven on earth fantasies when in reality they (swindlers) are as hollow as an empty shell. They simply thrive on our ignorance and credulity. We should accept the bitter pills of life as part of our short respite on earth and devise mechanisms to overcome them; for testimony is a factor of experience. If gold is to narrate the horrors men subject it to before it glitters, you will be bowled over. I am sure gold will tell man you have not experienced a fraction of what I go through- the excavation, transportation, grinding, chemical bath, separation, refinement and moulding etc.

There are a lot of questions on our lips and when we meet the creator of all things, I am sure we will be inundating Him with different shades of questions. Our women will surely open the flood gates first with questions like, why they had short hair and not long ones, short height and not a reasonably tall one? Why they did not have men of their choice among others? The men will follow and pretend to be more philosophical- why the so many inequalities? Why man seems too insatiate and most importantly, why the first abortive coup took place right under His watch?

I must reiterate what I have been trying to churn out: balance in life is an interplay between positive and negative and the negative serves as an important ingredient in shaping the future while the positive soothes the pains of our toil. Abraham Lincoln, the sixtieth president of America, suffered many setbacks before clinging to the throne.

I know we all have separate destinies but I would like to end on the good note sounded by the Ghanaian educator, James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey (1875-1927). His words, “You can play a tune of sorts on the white keys, and you can play a tune of sorts on the black keys, but for harmony you must use both the black and the white” have a bearing on racism but it has positive bond with the central idea of this piece. There is, therefore, harmony and balance in life when the negative and positive keys of life are played well.

Credit: Okofo-Dartey Samuel
E-MAIL: sodesq2000@yahoo.com

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